
The following example is totally fictive. We will add an extension input loc=true to the request option object.



use Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\AuthenticationExtension;
use Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\AuthenticationExtensions;
use Webauthn\PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions;

// Extensions
$extensions = AuthenticationExtensions::create([
    AuthenticationExtension::create('loc', true)

// Public Key Credential Request Options
$publicKeyCredentialRequestOptions = PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::create(
    random_bytes(32), // Challenge
    extensions: $extensions

Extension Output Checker

An Extension Output Checker (EOC) will check the extension output.

It must implement the interface Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\ExtensionOutputChecker and throw an exception of type Webauthn\AuthenticationExtension\ExtensionOutputError in case of error.

In the previous example, we asked for the location of the device and we expect to receive geolocation data in the extension output.



namespace Acme\Extension;

use Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\ExtensionOutputChecker;
use Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\ExtensionOutputError;

final class LocationExtensionOutputChecker implements ExtensionOutputChecker
    public function check(AuthenticationExtensions $inputs, AuthenticationExtensions $outputs): void
        if (!$inputs->has('loc') || $inputs->get('loc') !== true) {

        if (!$outputs->has('loc')) {
            //You may simply return but here we consider it is a mandatory extension output.
            throw new ExtensionOutputError(
                'The location of the device is missing'

        $location = $outputs->get('loc');
        //... Proceed with the output e.g. by logging the location of the device
        // or verifying it is in a specific area.

Extension Output Checker Handler

You can create as many EOC as needed. These services can be managed by a handler that will be injected to the Ceremony Step Manager Factory. Extensions will be automatically verified during the validation steps.



namespace Acme\Extension;

use Webauthn\AuthenticationExtensions\ExtensionOutputCheckerHandler;
use Webauthn\CeremonyStep\CeremonyStepManagerFactory;

$eocHandler = ExtensionOutputCheckerHandler::create();
$eocHander->add(new LocationExtensionOutputChecker());
// Add more EOC if needed.

$csmFactory = new CeremonyStepManagerFactory();

Last updated

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