A User Entity object represents a user in the Webauthn context. It has the following constraints:
The user ID must be unique and must be a string,
The username must be unique,
Hereafter a minimalist example of user entity:
The username can be composed of any displayable characters, including emojis. Username "😝🥰😔" is perfectly valid.
Developers should not add rules that prevent users from choosing the username they want.
For privacy reasons, it is not recommended using the e-mail as username.
As for the rp Entity, the User Entity may have an icon. This icon must also be secured.
The Webauthn specification does not set any limit for the length of the icon.
The icon may be ignored by browsers, especially if its length is greater than 128 bytes.
User Entity Repository
The User Entity Repository manages all Webauthn users of your application.
There is no interface to implement or abstract class to extend so that it should be easy to integrate it in your application. You may already have a user repository.
Whatever database you use (MySQL, pgSQL…), it is not necessary to create relationships between your users and the Credential Sources.
It shall be noted that the Symfony bundle will need a user entity repository. This service shall implement Webauthn\Bundle\Repository\PublicKeyCredentialUserEntityRepository.
The methods required by the interface are as follow:
public function findOneByUsername(string $username): ?PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity;
This method tries to find out a user entity from the username.
public function findOneByUserHandle(string $userHandle): ?PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity;
This method tries to find out a user entity from the user handle i.e. the user ID.
public function generateNextUserEntityId(): string;
This method creates a user entity ID. Note that this method SHALL NOT save that ID. Its main purpose generate a unique ID that could be used for a user entity object at a later stage.
public function saveUserEntity(PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity $userEntity): void;
This method saves the user entity. If the user entity already exists, it should throw an exception.