Adoption by web browsers
Webauthn is now supported by all main web browsers:
Mozilla Firefox 60+ and Firefox for Android 68+
Google Chrome 67+
Microsoft EDGE 18+ and Microsoft EDGE Chromium 79+
Opera 54+
Safari 13+ and iOS Safari 13.3+
Android Browser 76+
For more information and limitation on these browsers, please have a look at the following page: https://caniuse.com/#feat=webauthn
Overview of the framework
Webauthn defines an API enabling the creation and use of strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials by web applications, for the purpose of strongly authenticating users.
The complete specification can be found on the W3C dedicated page.
This framework contains PHP libraries and Symfony bundle to allow developers to integrate that authentication mechanism into their web applications.
Naming things may be complicated. That’s why the following rule applies on the whole framework: the name of classes, constants and properties are identical to the ones you will find in the specification.
As an example, the section 5.2.2 “Web Authentication Assertion” shows an object named AuthenticatorAssertionResponse
that extends AuthenticatorResponse
with the following properties:
You will find EXACTLY the same structure in the PHP class provided by the library.
Attestation Types
Private CA
Anonymization CA
Note that Elliptic Curve Direct Anonymous Attestation (ECDAA) is deprecated and not supported
Attestation Formats
Android Key
Android Safetynet (deprecated)
Cose Algorithms
RS1, RS256, RS384, RS512
PS256, PS384, PS512
ES256, ES256K, ES384, ES512
Supported (not fully tested)
appid extension (compatibility with FIDO U2F authenticator
The Token Binding support feature is now deprecated as not part of the latest specification version
As of January 2023, our framework supports every authenticator with full feature and algorithm support, achieving a 100% success rate across all tests. Official FIDO Alliance testing tools have validated its compliance.
We ensure continuous conformity through rigorous unit and functional testing throughout the development process.
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Requests for new features, bug fixed and all other ideas to make this framework useful are welcome.
If you feel comfortable writing code, you could try to fix opened issues where help is wanted or those that are easy to fix.
Do not forget to follow these best practices.
If you think you have found a security issue, DO NOT open an issue. You MUST submit your issue here.
Seamless Integration with PHP Applications: Our Webauthn Documentation and Tutorials
Welcome to WebAuthn, the solution for strong authentication on the web. With WebAuthn, you can offer your users a secure, simple, and convenient authentication experience that seamlessly integrates with your PHP or Symfony application.
At Spomky-Labs, we are committed to making the web safer for all users. We provide free, libre, and open-source libraries and a Symfony bundle to help you implement strong authentication solutions for your websites and applications.
WebAuthn is an open-source technology developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is compatible with all modern web browsers. With WebAuthn and PHP, you can offer your users secure authentication without requiring them to remember complex passwords or provide sensitive personal information.
WebAuthn is supported by the FIDO Alliance, an organization working to promote open and interoperable strong authentication standards. You can learn more about the FIDO Alliance by visiting their website at https://fidoalliance.org/.
Explore our documentation to learn more about WebAuthn and how it can help you implement strong authentication in your PHP or Symfony application.
Authenticator details and how to manage them
After the registration of an authenticator, you will get a Public Key Credential Source object. It contains all the credential data needed to perform user authentication and much more:
The credential ID,
The public key,
The credential type (public_key
The transports (USB
, internal
The attestation type,
The trust path,
The authenticator AAGUID,
The user handle (i.e. the user ID)
The authenticator counter,
Other UI data
Since 4.6.0 and except if you use the Symfony bundle, there is no interface to implement or abstract class to extend so that it should be easy to integrate it in your application.
Whatever database you use (MySQL, pgSQL…), it is not necessary to create relationships between your users and the Credential Sources.
You have just found a bug?
First of all, thank you for contributing.
Bugs or feature requests can be posted online on the GitHub issues section of the project.
Few rules to ease code reviews and merges:
You MUST follow the PSR-12 for coding standards.
You MUST use the PSR-20 to get the time.
You MUST run the test suite (see below).
You MUST write (or update) tests when bugs are fixed or features are added.
You SHOULD write documentation.
We use the following branching workflow:
Each minor version has a dedicated branch (e.g. 1.1.x
, 1.2.x
, 2.0.x
, 2.1.x
The default branch is set to the last minor version (e.g. v2.1.x).
Please select the correct branch when submitting a PR
If it is a bug fix, please use the version first major release (1.0.x
, 2.0.x
, 3.0.x
If it is a new feature, please use the last minor release
To contribute use Pull Requests, please, write commit messages that make sense, and rebase your branch before submitting your PR.
install composer: curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
install dependencies: php composer.phar install
run tests: vendor/bin/phpunit
How to install the library or the Symfony bundle?
This framework contains several sub-packages that you don’t necessarily need. It is highly recommended to install what you need and not the whole framework.
The preferred way to install the library you need is to use composer:
For 4.8.0+, the following dependencies ar recommended and will be mandatory for 5.0.0
If you use Symfony Framework, you may be interested in the bundle and, optionally, the Stimulus component.
Hereafter the dependency tree:
: this is the core library. This package can be used in any PHP project or within any popular framework (Laravel, CakePHP…)
: this is a Symfony bundle that ease the integration of this authentication mechanism in your Symfony project.
The core library also depends on web-auth/cose-lib
and web-auth/metadata-service
. What are these dependencies?
contains several cipher algorithms and COSE key support to verify the digital signatures sent by the authenticators during the creation and authentication ceremonies. These algorithms are compliant with the RFC8152. This library can be used by any other PHP projects. At the moment only signature algorithms are available, but it is planned to add encryption algorithms.
provides classes to support the Fido Alliance Metadata Service. If you plan to use Attestation Statements during the creation ceremony, this service is mandatory. Please note that Attestation Statements decreases the user privacy as they may leak data that allow to identify a specific user. The use of Attestation Statements and this service are generally not recommended unless you REALLY need this information. This library can also be used by any other PHP projects.
This page is about an advanced feature. You can skip it if you are new with Webauthn
The mechanism for generating public key credentials, as well as requesting and generating Authentication assertions, can be extended to suit particular use cases. Each case is addressed by defining a registration extension.
Standard extensions are usually listed in the dedicated IANA Registry available at https://www.iana.org/assignments/webauthn/webauthn.xhtml
This library is ready to handle extension inputs and outputs, but no concrete implementations are provided, except for the appid
It is up to you, depending on the extensions you want to support, to create the extension handlers.
This page is about an advanced feature. You can skip it if you are new with Webauthn
Disclaimer: you should not ask for the Attestation Statement unless you want to play with it or you are working on an application that requires a high level of trust (e.g. Banking/Financial Company, Government Agency...).
During the Attestation Ceremony (i.e. the registration of the authenticator), you can ask for the Attestation Statement of the authenticator. The Attestation Statements have one of the following types:
None (none
): no Attestation Statement is provided
Basic Attestation (basic
): Authenticator’s attestation key pair is specific to an authenticator model.
Surrogate Basic Attestation (or Self Attestation - self
): Authenticators that have no specific attestation key use the credential private key to create the attestation signature
Attestation CA (AttCA
): Authenticators are based on a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). They can generate multiple attestation identity key pairs (AIK) and requests an Attestation CA to issue an AIK certificate for each.
Anonymization CA (AnonCA
): Authenticators use an Anonymization CA, which dynamically generates per-credential attestation certificates such that the attestation statements presented to Relying Parties do not provide uniquely identifiable information.
The Metadata Statements are issued by the manufacturers of the authenticators. These statements contain details about the authenticators (supported algorithms, biometric capabilities...) and all the necessary information to verify the Attestation Statements generated during the attestation ceremony.
There are several possible sources to get these Metadata Statements. The main source is the FIDO Alliance Metadata Service that allows fetching statements on-demand, but some of them may be provided by other means.
The FIDO Alliance Metadata Service provides a limited number of Metadata Statements. It is mandatory to get the statement from the manufacturer of your authenticators otherwise the Attestation Statement won't be verified and the Attestation Ceremony will fail.
It's all about users
A User Entity object represents a user in the Webauthn context. It has the following constraints:
The user ID must be unique and must be a string,
The username must be unique,
Hereafter a minimalist example of user entity:
The username can be composed of any displayable characters, including emojis. Username "😝🥰😔" is perfectly valid.
Developers should not add rules that prevent users from choosing the username they want.
For privacy reasons, it is not recommended using the e-mail as username.
As for the rp
Entity, the User Entity may have an icon. This icon must also be secured.
The Webauthn specification does not set any limit for the length of the icon.
The icon may be ignored by browsers, especially if its length is greater than 128 bytes.
Except if you use the Symfony bundle, there is no interface to implement or abstract class to extend so that it should be easy to integrate it in your application. You may already have a user repository.
Whatever database you use (MySQL, pgSQL…), it is not necessary to create relationships between your users and the Credential Sources.
What is an authenticator?
An Authenticator is a cryptographic entity used to generate a public key credential and registered by a Relying Party (i.e. an application). This public key is used to authenticate by potentially verifying a user in the form of an authentication assertion and other data.
Authenticators may have additional features such as PIN code or biometric sensors (fingerprint, facial recognition…) that offer user verification.
The roaming authenticator may have different forms. The most common form is a USB device the user plugs into its computer. It can be a paired Bluetooth device or a card with NFC capabilities.
Authenticators of this class are removable from, and can "roam" among, client devices.
A platform authenticator is usually not removable from the client device. For example an Android smartphone or a Windows 10 computer with the associated security chips can act as an authenticator.